If you’re anything like me, maybe you often go to friends for advice, when really, deep down, you already know what you want or need to do.
You are just scared to do it.
You need someone to validate your feelings.
You need someone to grant you permission to take action.
Stop hiding behind “I don’t know what to do” and TRUST YOURSELF!!!!
I just had a coaching session with Mary Lynn Wissner for the first time in about six months. I’ve been feeling frustrated over not booking things through my agents, and wondering what magic spark I’m missing.
And you know what? Mary Lynn reminded me:
I’m just not doing it.
It’s always good to check in with a professional coach once in a while to make sure you haven’t developed any bad habits.
But my realization today is that every time I step in front of that mic, I ALREADY KNOW WHAT TO DO, and I just need to grant myself permission to develop those good habits.
I already know:
Playing with lead-ins helps me start more naturally
Physicality leads to subtle shifts that sound more real
Varying my level and pacing makes me sound more natural
A small amount of improvisation leads to a more conversational read
Warming up my voice ahead of time (specifically loosening my tongue) helps my reads sound less forced
Different reads shouldn’t be about how the voice SOUNDS, but about having a different attitude toward the copy and person you’re talking to in the script
Yes, it’s important to get training. If you’re brand new, you NEED to learn from a professional so you don’t learn how to do things the wrong way and set in bad habits that are going to cost you a lot to unlearn later.
But each time you learn something, you need to take some sort of action on what you’ve learned.
Before you jump into another class or workshop, thinking “just one more, and I’ll be ready!” you need to test that knowledge in the real world in some way.
That action will usually result in feedback that will give you clues to what you still need to learn.
I am Vinz, Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer. Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia. Are you the Gatekeeper?
You’ll save yourself a lot of time and money if you stop thinking the next class or workshop or coach will hold the magic key to unlocking your potential.
The key is allowing yourself to act on what you already know.
I hereby grant you permission.
You know what you need to do. Now go do it.