Read This Blog for a Chance to Win $100!


I sent 78 emails last week and this morning 84 all by 10:42am ET, making my total emails sent: 162!!!!

Thanks to everyone who bet against me. Seriously, you were instrumental to my success. I don’t think I’ll need it in the future for the self marketing, but bets like this are a really great way to rip the band aid off and do something you’re scared to do (or possibly lose a lot of money…maybe not everyone finds it as motivating as I do)

Is that a click bait title, or what?

Except that it isn’t JUST a cheap ploy to get you to read this. I mean it.

Who wants a nice, crisp hundo??

Who wants a nice, crisp hundo??

I have a confession to make: often, when I write a blog, I’m really writing for myself. I’m either exploring something that I’m currently struggling with, repeatedly struggle with, or used to struggle with. 

Currently, I’m struggling with the same self-defeating behavior that has dragged me down in the past. 

At the end of last year, I was ready to jump on getting animation and video game demos made. I just needed to make the down payment. Then, December was a little financially stressful because the roommate we had set to move in fell through, and I kind of panicked. 

So, I still haven’t made that down payment. And YET…I keep buying things. Not things I NEED, per se, but not totally frivolous things either. Things that would make my life easier, or things that bring me some level of comfort (like fancy goat milk soap, and a Pulse Oximeter, just in case I get Covid). 

I would bet you that in the past two months, the things I have purchased have at least totaled that down payment. 

I have to make a decision…is it better to give up the short term comfort of another exciting box showing up at my door and start putting aside money to fulfill my long term goals more quickly? 


It’s the same thing we do with time. Or food. 

One episode of a show isn’t a huge deal, and won’t stop me from writing my blog for the week or getting my marketing done. But watching for hours each night definitely takes away from getting things done, especially when it keeps me up late and I have trouble getting going the next day. 

One salted chocolate caramel isn’t going to ruin my goal of getting back into my pre-pandemic jeans. But all of the comfort food adds up to me having to buy NEW jeans another size up (or just wearing my yoga pants nonstop forever). 

It’s all a question of what is most fulfilling in the long run. 

Right now, probably because I’ve been Rapunzeling in my 4th floor apartment for the past ten months and only leave to purchase comfort food and see my boyfriend, it’s really hard to not allow myself these small pleasures. 

I can see it…it’s RIGHT THERE.

I can see it…it’s RIGHT THERE.

But every time I allow myself one of these little pleasures, I am at the very least postponing the big meaningful ones.

Having more tools to market myself in this business. Financial stability through getting the tedious grunt work of marketing done. Feeling healthy and energized. 

It’s not that it’s either/or…but it is about setting your priorities. About taking MORE steps in the right direction than in the wrong direction.

In the past few years, I’ve had a lot of people tell me that they admire my tenacity, persistence, motivation, willpower (insert synonym here), but there is no magic to it. It’s not that some people are born with willpower and some aren’t. I really don’t think it’s any easier for me. 

The trick is to take action in spite of

And to figure out what makes that action easier.

To plan for those moments when your willpower is weak.

  • Maybe it means you just don’t buy the chocolates and don’t have them around. 

  • Maybe it means you set out your workout clothes at night. 

  • Maybe it means you start making yourself take walks if you want to listen to your favorite podcast. Or do your physical therapy exercises while you’re watching your current Netflix binge. 

  • Maybe it means you do phone calls to your family while you meal prep for the week. 

  • Maybe it means exercising first thing in the morning so you don’t put it off until you’re too tired to do it. 

  • Maybe it means joining an accountability group to get yourself to do tasks, and when you STILL don’t do them, maybe it means having bets with people. 

  • Maybe it means writing a check to an absolutely ODIOUS politician and sending it to your business coach with the instructions to send it if the task you’ve put off for four months is still incomplete the next time you meet. 

  • Or MAYBE it means writing a fairly gimmicky blog post and betting your readers $100.

These are all things I am doing and/or have done in the past in order to hold myself accountable to my bigger picture goals. And I gotta tell you, I’m happier when I hold myself accountable.

Accountability requires honesty.

You set your guidelines for what you’re going to do, and you’re honest with yourself and others about what you do, or don’t do.

I’m already getting myself back on track.

  • I’m doing yoga daily

  • I’m drinking more water (hydration is important for voice actors!)

  • I’ve bought healthy food and am eating more veggie-heavy meals with less carbs

  • I’ve started fitting walks into my schedule again

But these things are somewhat easy. I’ve done them before, so I already know what works for me.

Why does this ONE task always feel so hard?

Why does this ONE task always feel so hard?

Doing the marketing is always the kicker. That’s the one that really messes with my brain. I overthink it, and I wind up doing more auditions, or my taxes, or vacuuming the house again. Things that FEEL like I’m doing something important, when really they’re a distraction.

So, I think it IS time to up the ante again…

In the next week, I am going to send 150 marketing emails.

To some, this might seem like a lot (it does to me), though to others (Ahem, Joshua Alexander), it is literally something they do before breakfast. 

I don’t know WHY I resist sending marketing emails. I don’t actually feel that much resistance to doing it on a small scale. Some people might feel like discovering the reason WHY is super important.

I don’t. Honestly, knowing why doesn’t really matter if it doesn’t change my behavior. 

What matters is whether I take action or not. 

So, in the interest of taking action on this particular thing (and as a reward to anyone who’s read this far), I’m going to bet all of you: 

I will send 150 marketing emails in the next week. And if I don’t, one of you will get $100. 

You wanna bet me?  

  1. Please comment below with one thing that is holding you back right now.

  2. If I don’t reach my goal by noon on February 1st, I will draw a name on Instagram live, and will Venmo one of you $100.

Now, I rarely lose a bet like this, and that’s why I’m doing it. I take my bets seriously, and I hate losing.

If I win my bet, you’ll not have lost anything except the time it took you to comment. And maybe, you’ll have gained some insight about what it might take you to get those things done that YOU keep putting off or have limiting beliefs about.

And if I don’t get it done, one of you is getting paid. 


I take my pinky swearing seriously…

I take my pinky swearing seriously…