If you, like me, are from the frozen north, then you understand: there are just times of the year when NOTHING IS HAPPENING.
Things are frozen, literally, and it seems like spring will never come.
The earth will remain encased in ice, nothing will grow, and you will never again know what it is to be warm.
Look upon the frozen earth and despair, ye mortals!
When the second April blizzard drops 22 inches of snow in three days, it can be hard to believe that the sun will ever return. That your tomatoes will seed themselves, birds will nest, and baby bunnies will be born to eat every crop you attempt to grow.
But they will.
During these times, it’s good to remind yourself that the earth keeps spinning and spring WILL return.
(Yes, this is also a metaphor)
I SEE you thinking about my morning glories you little bastard!
So far, this year has been just so-so for me. I’m getting some work, but not enough. I’m planting seeds like a crazy person, sending emails, doing auditions, networking…and still not much activity to show for it.
I had a meeting with my marketing coach, Tom Dheere, this past week, and he assured me I was doing everything right, and to just keep going.
As my best friend reminded me today, it’s still winter.
Even one of my clients said it recently. I asked how things were going, and if he had any business trips planned soon, as he works in the economic development industry and travels a lot. His reply: “Not yet. Everyone’s waiting until spring to show off their cities.”
It’s hard to remember that for the majority of the country, this is true. Here in Georgia, we had a few 75 degree days last week, the crocuses and daffodils are blooming, and the robins are out.
Back home, crocuses were always one of the first signs of spring…after mud, of course
But at the same time, we are also still in a pandemic, inflation is insanely high, and the world is on the brink of a potential war.
All of these things are certain to cause uncertainty, just like those April blizzards probably confuse the hell out of wildlife and people alike. “Is it safe to come out of hibernation?” “Why did I already plant my seedlings??? What the hell was I thinking?”
All we can do is keep prepping for spring. Take the work and the 75 degree days when they come, keep planting seeds for the future, and look for subtle signs of a shift.
Even as we wallow in the fatalistic belief that this year spring won’t return, things we cannot yet see or hear are already stirring beneath our feet.
Before you ever see them, the seeds you have planted are growing
One night a few years back, I came home late at night after karaoke, and as I was walking up the path to my door, I heard a strange quiet rustling noise. I stopped and listened. I didn’t see anything, and I didn’t hear it, so I kept walking. Then I heard it again, from a different part of the lawn. I whipped out my iPhone and turned on the flashlight. Panning it over the lawn, I still saw nothing… UNTIL I looked closer.
All over the lawn were giant earthworms, crawling through the dead leaves. They were everywhere. The ground was finally unfrozen, and they had emerged to feast.
I know some people might be creeped out by this, but I found it beautiful and kind of magical.
Nature was saying it was spring at last.
So, friends, let’s keep prepping that soil for an amazing harvest this year, even if not much seems to be growing just yet.
March begins tomorrow, and April, come she will.