The truth is, when you really break it down, there's a very simple formula for this business. And if you learn to recognize which step you're on, you can figure out what your next step is much faster.
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voice actor
The truth is, when you really break it down, there's a very simple formula for this business. And if you learn to recognize which step you're on, you can figure out what your next step is much faster.
Read MoreWhen commitment gets hard, and the motivation isn’t there, sometimes it helps to remind yourself of past wins.
Read MoreTaking away the thing that I do 24/7 has left me with a whole lotta time to fill, and a weird untethered feeling.
Read MoreThe conditions are the conditions. You can choose to work with them and adjust, or you can insist that they should be different.
Read MoreThere is no one right way to do this. As my acting teacher would say “There’s no right choice. But there are better choices.”
Read MoreIf you wonder where all of your opportunities are, and yet you’re turning down opportunities that are coming your way because you are judging them as “not for you,” you might want to rethink your strategy.
Read MoreAll of this came to a head in early June. Despite being exhausted, overworked, and absolutely homesick for my friends and family, I almost didn’t let myself do the one thing I needed most: Take a damn break already!
Read MoreOur job as voice actors is not just to speak words aloud, but to convey ideas.
Read MoreIt’s good that someone’s got the parenting world covered, but no one tells you what to expect in your first few years of voiceover…
Read MoreMarketing is kinda like searching for diamonds in a manure-filled pigsty.
Read MoreWhile I wish I could write about my own personal experiences at VOA this year, I’m going to turn it over to some of my friends (and at least one stranger) who attended to give me (and you) the rundown on their biggest takeaways and favorite parts of this year’s conference.
Read MoreStart improving your luck right now with these four SCIENTIFICALLY-PROVEN principles to create lucky opportunities for yourself.
Read MoreWhy spend extra money on ongoing voiceover practice when you can do it yourself?
Read MoreEven as we wallow in the fatalistic belief that this year spring won’t return, things we cannot yet see or hear are already stirring beneath our feet.
Read MoreComparison is like a hammer. It’s not good or bad; It’s just a tool. But it can be used to build a house, or to bash someone’s head in.
Read MoreKnowing how to read the words in a pleasant voice without stumbling on them is like knowing the basic six step swing. You’ve got the steps down, but that doesn’t make you a brilliant dancer.
Read MoreConquer your fear of clowns, karaoke, and cold calling with the same four tips!
Read MoreGrowth is not linear. It is not a steady process.
Read MoreOOooooh, that Kool-Aid is good! There’s just something about how this event is put together that makes me feel all Kumbayah, like I’m friends with the Snuggle bear and we’re getting high in a blanket fort. I’m all warm and fuzzy inside, and I just want to hug everyone and make flower crowns for them.
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