The truth is, when you really break it down, there's a very simple formula for this business. And if you learn to recognize which step you're on, you can figure out what your next step is much faster.
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The truth is, when you really break it down, there's a very simple formula for this business. And if you learn to recognize which step you're on, you can figure out what your next step is much faster.
Read MoreIt’s good that someone’s got the parenting world covered, but no one tells you what to expect in your first few years of voiceover…
Read MoreMy first full year of VO was full of a TON of ups and downs. Mostly downs, if we’re being entirely honest, but I was excited enough about the business to keep me going through most of that.
If you’re just getting started, expect your first year to be bumpy.
Read MoreOn any journey, it’s wise to take a map so that you don’t find yourself lost and hungry, freezing to death, not realizing that you are only a hundred feet from the campsite’s safety and warmth (it’s an analogy…go with it).
As an entrepreneur, you might not literally be in danger of dying, but striking out on your own without any sort of guide does leave you vulnerable to wasting a lot of time and money.
Read MoreIf you have no training or experience, and you think throwing some money at a website is going to make you rich, I’m going to tell you to stop right there. For your own good. Here are six reasons why now is a great time to start your voiceover career, but a terrible time to start a voiceover business
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