Taking away the thing that I do 24/7 has left me with a whole lotta time to fill, and a weird untethered feeling.
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Taking away the thing that I do 24/7 has left me with a whole lotta time to fill, and a weird untethered feeling.
Read MoreWhen things get hard, and we don’t have the energy, we coast…we survive, instead of thriving.
Read MoreNo one gets everything they want 100% of the time.
That’s just ridiculous.
But if you can do just two things, you’ll get what you want a lot more often.
Be careful what you wish for…
Without a target, you have nothing to aim for.
What’s your bullseye?
So many of us (but actors especially) come from such a scarcity mentality, that we are afraid to say what we really want for fear of losing out on ANY opportunity.
We take the low paid jobs, for fear that the better paid ones will never come along.
We check yes to “Willing to take any role,” when we really only want to play the lead.
We audition for everything, and then have a panic attack about declining a role, worried that the director will never cast us again.
There are times when being open minded is a good thing.
When you’re in your teens or twenties, you’re still discovering who you are, what you like, and what you’re good at. At that point, gaining experience of any kind is good until you start to narrow down your goals.
However, just thinking about your options does not give you any actionable feedback.
Don’t overthink it. Pick a target. Try it out. Take action.
Doing the thing gives you direct input—What do I like about this? What do I NOT like about this?
You get feedback, and you adjust your course. But first, you must be in motion.
Get moving
I used to work for Ann Kim, who runs four restaurants in Minneapolis. She won the James Beard Award a few years ago, and her advice when she won, her ongoing mantra: #fuckfear
Allow me to relate a short version of her story: She was an actress. She gave it up. She thought about opening a Jimmy Johns franchise. Instead, she opened her own restaurant, Pizzeria Lola. She had no experience running a restaurant and no formal chef training.
I’m sure many people out there probably tried to talk her out of it.
That’s what our well-meaning family and friends often do—they put their own fears on us in the guise of trying to be helpful. Because they want to keep us safe. Protect us from disappointment.
We go to school for business instead of graphic design.
We opt for a “safe” career, rather than the one our heart yearns for.
We never take the steps toward our dream, because if we never try, we cannot fail.
True story
I have known, in my soul, since I was three, that I wanted to be an actor. And by the time I was six, I added singer, artist, and writer to that list.
My senior year of high school, I told the counselors I would not take AP Calculus because there was no reason—I was going to major in theatre, so why keep taking math? Instead, I spent my senior year taking AP Lit & Comp and another English class, and my after school time doing theatre at school and in local community theatres.
The summer after my senior year of college, I had trouble finding a job right away, and my mom encouraged me to apply at the grocery store. Now, there’s nothing wrong with working in a grocery store, but I have no regrets about never having applied. I had already worked retail for about six months in high school, and it was one of the most depressing jobs I’ve ever had.
When I graduated from college, I knew I never wanted a full time desk job. I never wanted to be comfortable but unhappy. I wound up working at a desk job full time for almost four years, and while it was admittedly a pretty cushy position, there was no room for advancement or skill building, and it started wearing on me working 40 + hours a week, plus having rehearsals 20-30 hours a week, as well as auditions and trying to have a life. When I was finally laid off, I swore I would never let another full time position get in the way of pursuing my real goal of acting.
When I became clear on wanting to do voiceover, I quit four of my five part time jobs. I kept the one job that would allow me to invest the most time and money in my voiceover career. And I quit doing theater. Because even though I love it, it didn’t fit into my plan anymore. At least not right now.
One path leads to the center of the labyrinth, and the other one leads to…certain death
So, while I have known my whole life that I wanted to be an actor, and I have single-mindedly focused on that, the one thing I could have done better along the way is to be specific. To really dig in and figure out “What do I REALLY want?”
Shakespeare? Film and TV? Musical theatre? Legit theatre? Creating my own work?
I’ve dabbled in a little bit of everything, but never committed to one path, always spouting the same wishy-washy bullshit line: “I just want to make a living acting!”
So I did make my living “acting”…at kids’ birthday parties, as a mall princess, doing singing telegrams, reading palms at grad parties, being in corporate industrial videos, doing patient simulations for medical students, plus the occasional play that paid a stipend that didn’t even cover parking for the rehearsal period.
Was that what I REALLY wanted? No! But what I really wanted was too big and scary to really say out loud.
If I had gotten specific and been honest about that, then I could have faced the scary things that it would have taken to get to my goal.
You know the saying…aim for the moon, and even if you miss, you’ll end up among the stars
One time, in my old accountability group, one of the members had said that he wanted to get cast in a feature film.
That’s at least more specific than “I want to act.”
But I challenged him to get more specific—
What genre of film?
What kind of character? (The dad roles, he said)
What kind of dad?
There’s a huge difference between Liam Neeson’s role in Taken, Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire, and Jack Nicholson’s role in The Shining, but they’re all dads.
Hell, Darth Vader is a dad.
One day, son, you’ll be a great dad like me!
Know what you want, and you’ll not only waste a lot less of all three…
But in not scattering these resources, you’ll get what you want a lot more frequently as well.
My first full year of VO was full of a TON of ups and downs. Mostly downs, if we’re being entirely honest, but I was excited enough about the business to keep me going through most of that.
If you’re just getting started, expect your first year to be bumpy.
Read MoreOn any journey, it’s wise to take a map so that you don’t find yourself lost and hungry, freezing to death, not realizing that you are only a hundred feet from the campsite’s safety and warmth (it’s an analogy…go with it).
As an entrepreneur, you might not literally be in danger of dying, but striking out on your own without any sort of guide does leave you vulnerable to wasting a lot of time and money.
Read MoreHiring a voice actor isn’t like hiring a new HR manager or a marketing intern. We aren’t generally looking at the job listings on Monster, and a lot of us stay away from freelancing sites as well.
Read MoreAt first, I was concerned that there was no way I could learn as much or have as much fun at a virtual conference, but I’m happy to report: I WAS VERY WRONG.
Read MoreThroughout the Covid crisis, there have been even more free and low-cost options than normal for getting practice in VO…webinars, Zoom lectures, Instagram challenges, and workouts galore.
Get started this weekend with four different ways to explore VO from home without breaking the bank!
Read MoreIf you have no training or experience, and you think throwing some money at a website is going to make you rich, I’m going to tell you to stop right there. For your own good. Here are six reasons why now is a great time to start your voiceover career, but a terrible time to start a voiceover business
Read MoreJust like radio commercials are trending towards conversational, your IVR should sound real. Sincere. Still professional, but not so forced.
Read MoreInspired by the classic Christmas poem “A Visit From St. Nicholas” by Clement Clarke Moore, I wrote and performed a little something for all of my voiceover friends out there...relax in front of the roaring fire* with me for a few minutes before you have to go edit more files or pull those cookies out of the oven!
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Blessed Solstice, Happy Hanukkah…and wishing that the New Year brings you ever closer to your dreams!
Much love,
Billie Jo
*Roaring fire courtesy of Brandon Nesmith
Hey y’all! (I’m practicing my “y’all”)
I have RELOCATED, and am so excited to hit the ground running in Atlanta! The roommates and I are setting up our self-taping space and our studios. In the first few days after arriving, I signed up to take a voiceover class and attended a networking event for voice actors. Now I’m working on applications to agencies and getting the apartment furnished. So much to do…and BUY! I can’t even count how many trips I’ve taken to Target and the grocery store so far.
Looking forward to this new adventure…stay tuned!
The spot I voiced for the Pillsbury 49th Annual Bake Off is now airing on select channels (possibly including the Food Network!) Keep an eye (ear?) out for my voice, and get your entry in to win!
A cake I recently made...yes those are Peeps on top. Terrifyingly tasty!
Sometimes, I look back at things I've done in the past, and I can connect the dots. I can see that doing that reading for so-and-so led to getting cast in this project over here, and then that thing, and then this other. I can see how something seemingly insignificant, saying yes to a particular opportunity that didn't seem especially mind-blowing, has taken me down a particular path and changed my life greatly.
Right now, the past week at VO Atlanta...all these facts, all these new pieces of information, all of these events, and all of these wonderful people I met...are just pinpoints of light on an inky black sky. They are just stars waiting for the constellation to be drawn in. And it's going to take a while before I can look back to see what the picture is.
Whatever it is, I have a feeling it's going to be beautiful.
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