Our job as voice actors is not just to speak words aloud, but to convey ideas.
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Our job as voice actors is not just to speak words aloud, but to convey ideas.
Read MoreWhile I wish I could write about my own personal experiences at VOA this year, I’m going to turn it over to some of my friends (and at least one stranger) who attended to give me (and you) the rundown on their biggest takeaways and favorite parts of this year’s conference.
Read MoreWhy spend extra money on ongoing voiceover practice when you can do it yourself?
Read MoreComparison is like a hammer. It’s not good or bad; It’s just a tool. But it can be used to build a house, or to bash someone’s head in.
Read MoreHappy Valentine’s Day! Love, Voiceover
Voiceover has had its share of wannabes, trying to woo it with a “nice voice.”
To develop a serious relationship, it’s going to want to know you’re committed.
Read MoreKnowing how to read the words in a pleasant voice without stumbling on them is like knowing the basic six step swing. You’ve got the steps down, but that doesn’t make you a brilliant dancer.
Read MoreOOooooh, that Kool-Aid is good! There’s just something about how this event is put together that makes me feel all Kumbayah, like I’m friends with the Snuggle bear and we’re getting high in a blanket fort. I’m all warm and fuzzy inside, and I just want to hug everyone and make flower crowns for them.
Read MoreStay tuned after the spot if you're interested in a behind-the-scenes view of how it all came together!
Read MoreIf you have no training or experience, and you think throwing some money at a website is going to make you rich, I’m going to tell you to stop right there. For your own good. Here are six reasons why now is a great time to start your voiceover career, but a terrible time to start a voiceover business
Read MoreJust like radio commercials are trending towards conversational, your IVR should sound real. Sincere. Still professional, but not so forced.
Read MoreApril has been pretty quiet. And brutal, here in Minneapolis. I wanted to dig up some stats, so you all could see how bad it's been, but suffice it to say, we had 17.5 inches of snow on my yard two weeks ago...starting Friday, I stayed in my house and didn't leave, because we were experiencing true blizzard conditions, which is more rare than I thought, and record snowfall. I ordered Chinese food, and holed up for a weekend of productivity and binge-watching whatever my roommates put on the TV.
Therefore, I have not had anything to report. I have been laying low, auditioning occasionally, switching support jobs, cleaning out the house...really NOT MUCH HAS BEEN HAPPENING. When there are two feet of snow built up on the yard/street/everything, you see how industrious you and everyone around you feel.
Today, it's in the 60s, the sun is out, and everything is starting to get better. Spring is definitely here. Finally. The allergies that I never had before in my life agree.
Today I went in to do ADR for a project with Good Astronaut that I shot back in December. Hoping to see that finished soon! And next week, I'll be returning to the Mihmiverse with my first shoot date with Christopher Mihm on one of two films that he's shooting this spring, Queen of Snakes. That also got pushed forward because of the snow.
I finally think winter is over. Fingers crossed, guys. Cuz it's almost May, and no one needs snow in May.
Ever wonder who does those really fast voiceover tags at the end of commercials? Well, I have a national spot airing for General Mills cereals, and I get to mention Spiderman...but no one will ever know it's me! (Except that I just told you it's me...so...damn)
Not sure how long this link will last, but if you want to see my spot for GM/Spiderman Homecoming, check it out here!
Booked and recorded a really great VO job last week doing a five second bit for a national TV spot! When it's up, I'll share here. Stay tuned!
I just got back my new narrative Voiceover demo! I'm so excited!
If you'd like, you can listen to it here on Soundcloud
It was not quite a year ago that I got my commercial demo produced, and a narrative demo was next on the list. Mike Stalcar produced both of them...I just love working with him!
Also, a friend of mine and I are discussing a podcast we might want to produce in the near future. Keep an eye out for that as well!
In the meantime, if you need a female voice for a narrative or commercial project, you know where to find me!
As actors, so often, much of the work we do goes unseen. The training, the preparation for roles, keeping in shape, auditioning, taking classes, etc. Even the actual work we do may never see the light of day.
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